Addressing journalists in Abuja on Wednesday, January 8, the FCT Commissioner of Police, Tunji Disu said preliminary investigations revealed that the children, who hail from different families in Kano State, were allegedly being transported to Nasarawa State under the guise of receiving training.
“On January 6, 2025, at about 1530 hours, a team led by Deputy Superintendent of Police Sarki Umar intercepted a white Peugeot 15 bus with Reg. No. KMC 283 ZJ along the Abuja-Kano route,” the CP stated.
“The vehicle was driven by ALI IBRAHIM, a male resident of Kano State, accompanied by his motor boy, AL HASSAN IBRAHIM, also of Kano State.
“The bus was found to be transporting 59 male children aged between 4 to 12 years. Preliminary investigations revealed that the children, who came from different families, were being transported by one Idris Usman, a male resident of Nasarawa State.
“He allegedly travelled to Kano State to convene the children en route to Nasarawa State under the pretext of training them.”
Disu added that the incident has been classified as a case of suspected child abuse and trafficking, given the circumstances and the absence of proper documentation or parental consent for the movement of the minors.
“At present, the suspects, the vehicle, and all the children are in custody while a thorough investigation is underway. The Police Command is working closely with the FCT Social Development Secretariat (SDS) to ensure that the children are safely reunited with their families and to bring all those involved in this act to justice,” the CP said.
He reiterated the command’s commitment to protecting vulnerable groups, particularly children, from exploitation and abuse in line with the Child’s Rights Act 2003.
“We appeal to parents and guardians to remain vigilant and ensure the safety of their children,” he added.